1.) Introduction of Work -Life Balance

by Nirmala Rathnayake

The Vital Importance of "Work-Life Balance" ; Achieving Harmony in a Hectic World

Juggling the demands of successful work with a fulfilling personal life has become a big difficulty for many people in today's fast-paced and demanding society. In order to promote general well-being, job happiness, and long-term success in both the professional and personal spheres, the idea of work-life balance has come to light. In this article, we'll examine the vital justifications for why work-life balance is so crucial and how it may benefit both people and businesses.  

As we embark on this journey of exploring the significance of work-life balance, we will delve into the impact it has on our physical and mental health, relationships, job satisfaction, and overall happiness. By drawing upon research studies and expert insights, we will uncover practical strategies to achieve harmony between our personal and professional lives while fostering a more supportive and productive work environment. Work-life balance is one of the main challenges in human resources (HR) for companies and every professional organization strives to create a conducive and productive work environment, addressing work-life balance has become increasingly crucial for several reasons. 

Join me to discover work-life balance in the global context and learn more tips, understand crucial issues and solutions via professional forums; 

A number of significant reasons are in favor of a more modern, comprehensive definition of work-life balance. First, there is compelling scientific evidence that a healthy work-life balance benefits both individuals and organizations (Hobson, Delunas, & Kesic, 2001; Kalliath & Brough, 2008; Lero, Richardson, & Korabik, 2008) 

1.) Work-Life Balance Is A Cycle, Not an Achievement:

Achieving a suitable work-life balance is typically seen as limiting one side (mostly work) to having more time for the other. The term "work-life balance" refers to the interaction between the work and non-work parts of person's lives. Although it may be intuitively simple to understand the concept of work-life balance, there has been significant discussion in the research concerning the vocabulary to employ. significant authors prefer phrases like work-life interface instead (Kelliher, 2016). Further muddying the waters in the field is disagreement about what "balance" actually means (Voydanoff, 2005). Many professionals still struggle to get past their assumptions — and their deeply set behaviors — around work hours, despite the overwhelming data that suggests that working long hours can be detrimental to both employees and companies. What steps must you take to break free from these destructive habits and achieve a work-life balance that is more enduring and satisfying? 

In this interview nearly 200 in-depth interviews with 78 professionals from the London offices of a major law firm and an accounting firm to investigate this subject. We spoke with an equal number of men and women, and the majority of the interviewees were in middle or senior management positions, between the ages of 30 and 50, with at least one dependent kid. Most interviewees rated their employment as being chaotic, extremely demanding, and stressful, and many appeared to assume that putting in long hours was important for their professional success. Nevertheless, roughly 30% of the men and 50% of the women in our sample seemed to actively avoid putting in long hours, outlining a number of tactics they had developed to preserve a better work-life balance. Our research showed a typical mental process that regularly assisted this group of professionals in improving the way they worked and lived, despite the fact that the specifics of each individual case varied.

This research demonstrated that, at a high level, improving the balance between work and personal priorities comes down to a combination of reflexivity — or challenging presumptions to raise self-awareness — and deliberate role redefinition. Importantly, our research reveals that this is a cycle that we must continue to engage in as our circumstances and objectives change rather than a one-time fix. 

1.1) 5 Steps for Work-Life Balance Cycle In The Research:

A. Take A Breath And Denormalize: 

Ask yourself this question after taking a step back: What is currently making me anxious, unbalanced, or unsatisfied? How are these circumstances influencing my performance at work and my level of engagement? What effect are they having on my personal life? What am I putting first? What am I giving up? What is losing one's way? You can only start to address these concerns once you stop and acknowledge them in your mind.

For instance, Maya*, a senior associate at a law firm, stated feeling as though she had reached her lowest point after spending several years focusing entirely on her profession. Only then did she realize the toll her constant work had been having on her family as well as on her own mental and physical health:

I was working quite long hours … it was a horrible sort of period … And I think for me, that was the key point. I thought, I am not doing this anymore, this is ridiculous. So, I think from then on, I have taken a real step back.”

Similarly, legal partner Kate told us that following the birth of her son, she experienced a major mental shift. She recognized that while the idea of “[I] must work, must work, must work” had been “indoctrinated into [her],” she was now aware of the “clash” between this idea and “where [she] was now” as a mother. This life-changing event was the impetus she needed to take a step back, become aware of the mismatch between her current situation and her personal priorities, and begin to denormalize her habit of working long hours.

Of course, the professionals we talked to all led very busy lives. Many of them explained that they didn’t normally have the time or the energy to stop and reflect, and even expressed gratitude for the reflection space that the interview process itself allowed them. But while it’s often a major life event — such as the birth of a child, or the death of a loved one — that catalyzes these realizations, it’s possible to take a pause and start rethinking your priorities at any time. And although some professionals may be fine with long work hours, taking the time to think through these questions and acknowledge the tradeoffs you’ve made (whether intentional or not) is helpful for anyone looking to discover alternative ways of working and living.

B. Pay Attention To Your Emotions: 

Examine how you feel about your current circumstance after you've been more conscious of it. Do you feel invigorated, contented, or full of purpose? Or am I sad, bitter, or angry? One commenter, for instance, explained how he realized that his present work-life balance (or lack thereof) was causing some fairly unpleasant feelings:

“You feel resentful and bitter that something that fundamentally isn’t that important to the essence of life is stripping valuable time and minutes away from you … it’s accentuated even more when you see someone who has lost their life or someone who has been told here’s how much time remains on your clock.” (Tobias, Audits Director)

A rational understanding of the decisions and priorities driving your life is important, but equally important is emotional reflexivity — that is, the capacity to recognize how a situation is making you feel. Awareness of your emotional state is essential in order to determine the changes you want to make in your work and in your life.

 C. Reprioritize:
You gain the skills necessary to put things into perspective and decide whether your priorities need to be adjusted by raising your cognitive and emotional awareness. Find out what you are willing to give up and for how long. Why do I believe it is vital to prioritize my life in this way if, for example, I have been putting work before my family? Is it actually required? Does it truly have to happen? What regrets do I already have, and what regrets will I have down the road if I stay on this course? 
Our priorities frequently change more quickly than how we normally manage our time. The interviewees who spoke of having a better work-life balance consciously rearranged their priorities to better reflect their genuine needs.

“The more I really understand what’s important in life — and it’s not really work — it’s, you know, understanding the relative importance of work. I still get a lot of satisfaction and stuff from work, but it used to be everything to me, and now it’s less than half to me.” (Dan, Audits Director)

D. Consider Your Alternatives:
Consider the areas of your work and life that you could change to better fit your priorities before diving into solutions. What aspects of your job would you like to see changed? How much time would you like to spend engaging in hobbies or with your family? It takes effort and experimentation to improve your condition, as one respondent exemplified:

“And it has taken me probably up to now, like my son is now two [years old], to get to a point where it’s evolved into ‘this is how it works’ [working more balanced hours], and it has taken that sort of length of time, probably longer than I wanted it to, but it’s there now.” (Michael, Audits Director)

E. Implement Changes:

Finally, it's time to act after you've identified your priorities and carefully thought through the possibilities that could help you better. This can be a "private" change, where you make informal changes to your work habits without necessarily attempting to alter your coworkers' expectations, or a "public" change, where you take on a new role that is intended to be less time-demanding or allows for a compressed-week model.

According to our research, both public and private modifications can be useful tactics if they're carried out in a long-lasting way. For personal changes, that might entail setting boundaries for yourself (such as deciding not to work on the weekends, holidays, or in the evenings — and sticking to that decision) or declining requests that are typically made of you in your position (such as new projects or travel requests, even when you feel under pressure to accept them). For public changes, getting support from significant mentors, partners, and coworkers — or, even better, formally applying for a new internal position or a flexible working scheme — is likely to produce more long-lasting change than simply telling your supervisor that you want more time off or more flexible hours.

In summary, It's important to note that the five phases listed above represent a cycle of ongoing evaluation and development rather than a one-time task. It's simple to revert to "business as usual" (whether that is a conscious choice or not), especially if you are subject to an oppressive culture of excessive work hours. In the course of both their personal and professional lives, people must constantly remember to pause, connect with their emotions, reevaluate their priorities, consider alternatives, and execute adjustments, according to what we learned from their interviews.

2.) How To Balance Between Family Time, Personal Time, and Productivity?

Moreover, Nigel Marsh says Work-life balance, is too important to be left in the hands of your employer. At TEDxSydney, Marsh lays out an ideal day balanced between family time, personal time, and productivity -- and offers some stirring encouragement to make it happen in the following video.

3.) How To Improve Work-Life Balance and Stay In Good Health? 

"Mental Health America" highlighted the following work-life balance Tips in their Report and let us explore; 
For a lot of people, the pursuit of a healthy work/life balance seems like an impossible goal. It's not surprising that more people describe themselves as "super stressed" given how many of us struggle to balance hefty workloads, manage relationships and family duties, and fit in outside interests. And that is neither healthy nor balanced. It's simple to forget that when our stress levels rise, our productivity declines as we race to "get it all done" at the office and at home. Stress can impair our ability to focus, make us agitated or unhappy, and damage our interpersonal and career connections. Stress affects our immune systems over time, increasing our susceptibility to illnesses like colds, backaches, and heart disease. According to the most recent studies, long-term stress actually increases our risk of having a heart attack by double. That fact by itself should make your blood pressure go up! 

While a certain level of stress is necessary for everyone to motivate them and help them perform at their best, balance is the secret to managing stress. Achieving a healthy work-life balance is not only a goal that is within reach, but it also has benefits for both employees and employers. Employees are more productive, take fewer sick days, and are more likely to stay at their jobs when they are in a balanced and cheerful state of mind. 

    3.1) Here are the Tips to support people to "Balance their Work-Life at Work and Home" ;

 At Work:

  • Set manageable goals each day: Meeting our priorities gives us a sense of control and accomplishment. According to the most recent study, we experience less stress the more control we have over our work. Therefore, be honest about workloads and due dates. Make a "to do" list, complete the most important items first, then cross out the less important items. Ask for assistance if you need it.
  • Be efficient with your time at workWhen we put off doing something, it frequently expands in our imaginations until it becomes impossible to complete. So begin by breaking down large projects at work or home into smaller activities. Before moving on to the second, finish the first. After finishing each task, treat yourself to a brief rest or a stroll to the coffee shop. Inform your manager if you feel overburdened by routines that appear needless. You can spend more time productively, or with friends or family, the less time you waste on busy work or procrastination.
  • Ask for flexibility: Many businesses are developing work/life policies as flex time and telecommuting are increasingly becoming accepted as necessary in today's corporate environment. They might agree to let you work flexible hours or from home one day per week if you ask. According to research, workers with flexible schedules are more productive and devoted to their companies.
    • In organization HRM, Employers pursue flexibility to:
1. Minimize human resource costs in both the short and long run. 

2. protect the core from short-term, fluctuations in market demand.

3. Respond to the demands of an increasingly diverse workforce in terms of  (i) legal compliance and (ii) discretionary entitlement to attract/retain Core employees.  Workforces today are becoming more diverse in terms of gender, age, ethnicity, and other factors. Employers must navigate this diversity while maintaining legal compliance and retaining valuable employees. (i) Legal Compliance: Employers need flexibility to ensure they comply with labor laws and regulations that protect the rights of all employees, regardless of their background. This includes anti-discrimination laws, equal pay regulations, and workplace safety standards.

(ii) Discretionary Entitlement to Attract/Retain Core Employees: To retain and attract core employees, employers may offer discretionary benefits or perks. Flexibility allows them to tailor these benefits to the individual needs and preferences of their diverse workforce. For example, they might offer flexible work hours, remote work options, or personalized career development plans and it supports "work-life balance".  Employers pursue flexibility in their workforce management to control costs, safeguard their core workforce, and meet the demands of an increasingly diverse workforce while complying with legal requirements and providing attractive benefits to retain key employees from the employees' point of view its advantage for them to manage work at home while engaging for personal life and saving cost for traveling. 
  • Take five: Not only is taking a break at work permissible, many employers actively promote it. Small breaks during work or on any project will assist you to regroup, enhance your capacity to manage stress, and help you make wise judgments when you return to the grind.
  • Tune in: When you listen to your favorite music while working, you'll be more focused, experience less anxiety and tension, and be more creative. Studies from more than 30 years ago demonstrate the advantages of music in daily living, including reduced blood pressure. Make sure you put on headphones while working, then turn them up to increase both your output and productivity.
  • Communicate effectively: When you feel you are in a tight spot, be honest with your coworkers or your employer. Most likely, you're not by yourself. Don't just complain though; offer workable solutions. You might also lessen your tension by considering a scenario from another person's perspective. Reconsider your plan of action in a tense circumstance or remain firm, calmly, and sensibly. Allow for diverse viewpoints and reach a compromise. Retire before you lose control and give everyone concerned some space to calm down. Later, when the issue arises, you'll be better prepared to address it constructively.
  • Give yourself a break: Nobody is flawless! Do your best while allowing yourself to be human.

At Home:

  • Unplug: The same technology that makes it so simple for employees to work from anywhere can also exhaust us if we use it constantly. Make yourself accessible, especially if you've earned the right to "flex" your hours, but keep in mind that you also need time for yourself.
  • Divide and conquer: You'll prevent confusion and issues later on if household duties are assigned fairly and clearly.
  • Don't over commit: When you simply peek at your schedule, do you feel stressed? If your schedule is too full, practice saying "no." Stop wanting to be Superman or Superwoman!
  • Get support: Speaking with loved ones can help you succeed at work or at home and can even be good for your health. Stronger support networks are associated with more aggressive immune responses to diseases than are weaker support networks.
  • Take advantage of your company’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP)Numerous organizations provide resources through an EAP, which may save you valuable time by offering advice on matters like how to choose a childcare facility and how to take care of an aging parent. It can also provide
  • Stay active:  Researchers found that regular exercise helps people cope with adversity better and decreases stress, despair, and anxiety in addition to the well-known physical benefits. Additionally, it will strengthen your immune system and keep you
  • Treat your body right: Physically fit people are more resilient to stress and take fewer sick days. Get enough rest, eat healthfully, and exercise. Relying on drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes as a coping mechanism will only make your difficulties worse.
  • Get help if you need it: Don’t let stress stand in the way of your health and happiness. If you are persistently overwhelmed, it may be time to seek help from a mental health professional. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness—taking care of yourself is a sign of strength.


The study's findings on work-life balance show, at a high level, improving the balance between work and personal priorities comes down to a combination of reflexivity — or challenging presumptions to raise self-awareness — and deliberate role redefinition. Importantly, research reveals that this is a cycle that we must continue to engage in as our circumstances and objectives change rather than a one-time fix. Take a breath and denormalize, pay attention to your emotions, Reprioratize, Consider your alternatives, Implement changes. It enables people to properly manage their time, lessen stress, and keep their physical and mental health in tip-top shape. Finding the perfect balance can result in better relationships, a higher quality of life, and more job satisfaction. An individual's definition of work-life balance will differ from one person to the next depending on their values, priorities, and life circumstances. It entails establishing limits, using time efficiently, and appreciating the value of both work and personal life components. Employers may help employees achieve work-life balance by putting in place helpful rules, maintaining a healthy workplace culture, and supporting flexible work schedules. 

Also, Nigel Marsh says Work-life balance, is too important to be left in the hands of your employer at TEDxSydney, Marsh lays out an ideal day balanced between family time, personal time, and productivity. Furthermore Mental Health America" highlighted work-life balance Tips which we need in life to stay healthy and support us personally and professionally.  Additionally, staff members should take proactive measures to emphasize self-care, uphold a balanced work schedule, and effectively express their requirements. Finding work-life harmony is a continual effort that calls for awareness, adaptation, and readiness to make the required changes in professional and personal lives. 


1.) Bishop, R. (2014). Work life balance a global perspective.  Journal of A DOP Publication1(6), pp.19–22. 

Accessed on 02 August 2023.

2.) Chapman, J. (2013). Work life balance a global perspective. Journal of A DOP Publication4(1), pp.11–13. 

Accessed on 02 August 2023.

3.) March, N. (2011). How to make work-life balance work. YouTube. [online] 

Available at:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdpIKXLLYYM&list=PPSV

Accessed on 03 August 2023.

4.) Mental Health America. (2023). Work life balance. Mhanational. [online]

Available at: https://www.mhanational.org/work-life-balance.

Accessed on 03 August 2023.

5.) Overbaugh, J. (2011). A healthy work life balance can enhance research. Nature research, 477(7362), pp.27-28  

Accessed on 02 August 2023.

6.) Eikhof, D. R., Warhurst, C., & Haunschild, A. (2007). Introduction what work what life what balance Critical reflections on the work life balance debate. Journal of Employee relations, 29(4), pp.325-333.

Accessed on 02 August 2023.

7.) Ferreira, P., & Gomes, S. (2023). Work life balance and work from home experience perceived organizational support and resilience of european workers during COVID-19. Journal of Administrative Sciences, 13(6), p.153. 

Accessed on 03 August 2023.

8.) Kelliher, C., Richardson, J., & Boiarintseva, G. (2019).  All of work all of life reconceptualising work life balance for the 21st century. Human Resource Management Journal, 29.2, pp.97-112.


  1. Very impressive writing and you are addressing a topic of significant importance.

    In today's competitive work environment, ensuring employee well-being and work-life balance is crucial for organizational success.

    However, numerous obstacles can hinder effective implementation. These include workload and expectations, lack of flexibility, cultural norms and stigma, insufficient resources, leadership attitudes, communication and training, technology and connectivity, and organizational priorities.

    Overcoming these obstacles requires a comprehensive approach that involves commitment from both employees and employers. Organizations should foster a culture that values employee well-being and work-life balance, encourage open communication, and provide adequate resources and support. Employees should actively engage in self-care practices, set boundaries, and communicate their needs to create a healthier and more balanced work environment.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you Nalin for your detailed reply.

      While agree with you I also explore more about this work-life balancing topic and it also mentioned "Time Management " is one of the key players to balancing your work-life. I do agree with Time management empowers us to prioritize tasks, set realistic goals, and make the most out of our available time. By adopting effective time management strategies, we can enhance productivity, reduce stress, and create room for personal interests, hobbies, and spending quality time with loved ones. Just like a skilled conductor mastering time management allows us to create a harmonious rhythm between work and personal life. It helps us strike the right work-life balance and ensures that neither aspect overwhelms the other, resulting in a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

      More tips are given on this online page and you can view this reference if you are interested in more reading; Corporate Finance (2023).

  2. I appreciate how the blog emphasizes that work-life balance is not a one-time achievement but a continuous cycle of evaluation and development. It offers practical strategies, such as denormalizing destructive habits and reprioritizing, to help individuals attain a more satisfying work-life balance. The real-life examples of professionals who successfully improved their work-life balance add credibility to the advice given. According to the research conducted by Lim and Misra (2019) with professionals from a major law firm and an accounting firm, what percentage of individuals actively avoided putting in long hours? What tactics did they use to maintain a better work-life balance?

    1. Thank you very much for your comment and the time to spend reading my blog. However, to answer your questions I need more details about your referencing as citations are not enough for me to explore your mentioned research article and thanks for sharing your reference for the research article as I like to explore more about the details, however, in Harvard Business Revew mentioned this;

      "The majority of the interviewees described their jobs as highly demanding, exhausting, and chaotic, and they seemed to take for granted that working long hours was necessary for their professional success. However, about 30% of the men and 50% of women in our sample appeared to consciously resist working long hours, describing a variety of strategies they developed for maintaining a healthier work-life balance. While the details of every individual case differed, our study suggested a common mental process that consistently helped this group of professionals to change the way they worked — and lived — for the better".

      You can explore this research in this referencing (same in my original post) ;
      Lupu, L., and Castro, R.M (2021) Work-Life Balance Is a Cycle, Not an Achievement. Harvard Business Review [Online] Available at

  3. Your description is very well-written and attractive to read. Agreed with you. In today's fast-paced world and its positive impact on physical and mental well-being, relationships, and overall job satisfaction. It offers practical strategies and expert insights to achieve harmony between personal and professional life, ultimately fostering a supportive and productive work environment. Good Job.

    1. Thank you Gayani for your comment on my blog article and happy to hear that you enjoyed it. I also explored more about this "work-life balance" as its much more necessary for all of us with hectic work life, home, and studies and also it is one of the Major concerns in HR departments nowadays.
      The "Society for Human Resource Management," web post also mentioned this;

      "When there's continuity between your personal and professional life, work can be part of a fulfilling life," said Tracy Brower, vice president of workplace insights at Steelcase in Holland, Mich., and author of Secrets to Happiness at Work (Simple Truths, 2021). "Work/life integration is the key to work/life fulfillment."

      Here is the full-page reference if you are interested in reading more ;
      Arlene., & Hirsch. S. (2023) https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hr-topics/employee-relations/pages/from-worklife-balance-to-worklife-integration.aspx [online]

  4. The emphasis on reflexivity and deliberate role redefinition as key factors in improving work-life balance encourages leaders to foster a culture of self-awareness and empower employees to redefine their roles for a more satisfying and enduring work-life integration.

    What are some practical strategies that organizational leaders can adopt to break free from destructive work habits and promote a healthier work-life balance for their employees?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thank you Prasadini for your comments and interesting question.

    To answer your question in my personal view most HR management implements different methods and also it's depending on your organization's culture and Leadership and how flexible it is to adapt to these work-life balancing methods.

    However in general view Harvard Business Review online page mentioned ;

    "Your company may pride itself on being a good employer. But even with the best of intentions, your company could be hurting employees’ health and well-being because of the way the work is organized. Working conditions and the demands of the work environment are a significant source of stress for many Americans, and research has found that the design of work can have substantial effects on employee well-being and health as well as health care expenses.

    With support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, we recently reviewed and synthesized research on the specific work conditions that affect employee well-being. We then developed a “work design for health” framework and toolkit that employers can use to revamp their work practices in ways that benefit both employees’ health and the organization. A good starting point is to consider adopting the following seven approaches: "

    1. Give workers more control over how they do their work.
    2. Allow employees more flexibility about when and where they work.
    3. Increase the stability of workers’ schedules.
    4. Provide employees with opportunities to identify and solve workplace problems.
    5. Keep your organization adequately staffed, so workloads are reasonable.
    6. Encourage managers in your organization to support employees’ personal needs.
    7. Take steps to foster a sense of social belonging among employees.

    Full detail of this review are given in this reference if you like to read in-depth;
    Kelly. L. E., Berkman. F. L., Kubzansky. D. L., & Lovejoy. M (2021) The new world of work, Available at; https://hbr.org/2021/10/7-strategies-to-improve-your-employees-health-and-well-being [online]

  6. This is an interesting, highly informative, and descriptive publication. I believe that more than ever, work-life balance is a very timely topic that has started being debated among the most stressed employees in today's workforce. I completely agree with you that work-life balance is a cycle, not an achievement. I see there is a considerable relationship between emotional intelligence and work-life balance practice. Would you be able to agree with this?

    1. I appreciate your thoughtful comment very much. I'm happy the article was both fascinating and educational for you. You are entirely correct; the need for work-life balance is urgent, particularly in light of the difficulties facing the workforce today. I couldn't agree more with your viewpoint that it's a cycle rather than a one-time accomplishment.

      Your remark regarding the link between emotional intelligence and the practice of work-life balance intrigues me as well. Without question, emotional intelligence is vital to how we manage our personal and professional life, having an impact on our decision-making, communication, and general well-being. It's intriguing to consider how improving one's emotional intelligence might lead to a more favorable work-life balance. I appreciate you bringing up this insightful point. You can view my blog post about how AI support for work-life balance and here is the blog link ;

  7. Commendable and comprehensive article Niru. Appreciate your time and effort put in to this elaborative article. Can you describe what indicators can be used to assess the Work-life balance in an organization which would fit the context of Sri Lanka and the present economic status?

    Further, as per your understanding, are the indicators tabled by (Lee and Sirgy, 2018) valid and applicable to the organizations in Sri Lanka?

    1. Thank you Angelo for your comment and interesting questions to dig into more details.
      My answers to your questions are here;

      #1. Assessing work-life balance in Sri Lanka requires a tailored approach that considers local nuances and broader economic conditions. Key indicators include average working hours, overtime frequency, paid leave utilization, flexible work arrangements, employee satisfaction surveys, burnout rates, turnover rates, parental leave and support, access to wellness programs, inclusivity and diversity, productivity and performance, income inequality, workload distribution, and employee feedback and suggestions. By aligning these indicators with Sri Lanka's social, cultural, and economic dynamics, organizations can make informed improvements that benefit both employees and the organization as a whole. Regular monitoring and assessment of these indicators can provide insights into the effectiveness of work-life balance initiatives and help organizations make informed improvements that benefit both employees and the organization. Currently, Sri Lanka facing a different experience in the business world compared to 2 years ago, and with the changes organizations and employees will mold for flexibility and understanding to fix into the situation and find common ground for work-life balance.

      #2. indicators tabled by (Lee and Sirgy, 2018) The article provided describes different definitions or conceptualizations of work-life balance, each categorized into two key dimensions: (1) role engagement in multiple roles in work and nonwork life, and (2) minimal conflict between work and nonwork roles. Within these dimensions, the author identifies four different definitions of work-life balance, along with their respective indicators. These indicators help clarify and measure the different conceptualizations of work-life balance. Here's a summary of the four definitions and their indicators:

      Work-life balance involves attentive engagement in multiple roles, equal time and involvement across roles, and balanced satisfaction across life domains. This concept emphasizes a high level of commitment and involvement in both work and nonwork domains. Balancing involvement and satisfaction across life domains involves allocating time and psychological energy in a balanced way, resulting in significant satisfaction from both roles. Work-life balance principles are universally relevant and highly regarded in many nations. However, depending on cultural, social, economic, and organizational aspects unique to Sri Lanka, the usefulness and viability of these principles could vary.

  8. You have clearly described the how to improve and manage the work life balance, really interesting and descriptive.
    Achieving a good balance between work and personal life is crucial. It helps improve our overall health and well-being, and it's also beneficial for our career. When we take care of ourselves, we can be more productive and successful at work while enjoying a happier and healthier life outside of work. Is work-life balance a skill?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Wasantha,

      Thanks for your comments and sharing views too. Answer to your question; Yes, maintaining a healthy work-life balance is a talent. It encompasses the capacity to efficiently manage and prioritize several facets of life, such as obligations at work, extracurricular pursuits, and self-care. This ability includes time management, establishing boundaries, speaking clearly, and making decisions. It takes self-awareness, adaptability, and the ability to balance the demands of work and personal life in a way that reduces stress, burnout, and adverse effects on well-being to achieve work-life balance. It may be learned, honed, and developed over time via deliberate effort and deliberate decisions, just like any other skill.

  9. This is a well written article which discusses the value of work-life balance, is well-structured and builds in a clear cycle from the normalization of unhealthy behavior's to purposeful role redefinition. The article highlights that finding a healthy work-life balance is a process and specifies that emotional awareness, prioritization, and change implementation as an essential steps in our day to day life.
    The flow how the author has layed out the  benefits and challenges by providing individuals and organizations with feasible strategies is commendable. It does an excellent job of outlining the negative impacts of imbalance on health and results while providing suggestions for achieving a healthy work-life balance.
    As a person who has systematically embraced the unhealthy lifestyle of an unbalanced work-life. This is a very clear example for everyone who is trying to change their behavior's.
    For those looking for achievable ways to improve work-life balance, the article is a great resource because of its systematic approach and practical strategies. It directs readers towards healthier behavior's and offers ideas for how businesses can foster a culture of wellbeing.

    1. Thank you so much for the time to read and comment on my article on work-life balance. I truly appreciate your thoughtful and insightful comment. I'm glad to hear that you found the article well-structured and valuable in discussing the importance of work-life balance. Your observation about the clear cycle from identifying unhealthy behaviors to purposeful role redefinition is spot on, and I'm glad it resonated with you.

      It's really encouraging to know that my article's emphasis on emotional awareness, prioritization, and change implementation as essential actions to aligns with own perspective. Your recognition of the challenges associated with an imbalanced work-life further validates the relevance of this topic and I agree with you. I'm delighted that you found the strategies provided in the article feasible and practical for both individuals and organizations. The goal was indeed to offer actionable insights that can be applied in real-life situations.

      Thank you for sharing your valuable thoughts, and I hope that this article continues to serve as a source of guidance and inspiration for you and others who are seeking to achieve a healthier work-life balance. Your engagement in this article adds depth and value to the conversation. If you have any more thoughts, questions, or experiences to share, please don't hesitate to continue the conversation. Your perspective is valuable, and I look forward to hearing more from you to explore this subject even more.

  10. Great structured article. AI can revolutionize the workplace, but we must also know its risks. One of the most significant risks is that AI could worsen existing inequalities in the workplace, such as gender and racial disparities. The danger of bias in algorithms is a major contributor to such disparities. If AI systems rely on biased algorithms, they could exacerbate existing biases in the workplace and perpetuate discrimination and inequality.
    Imagine if an AI system is trained on data that reflects historical gender or racial biases. In that case, it could reinforce these biases in its decision-making processes, leading to discriminatory hiring or promotion decisions and fewer opportunities for women or people of color.

    1. Thanks for your comments and your views. Yes I agree AI is a great deal for work life balance and I wrote another article about that and you can read more in this blog link; https://nirmalaesoftcolombo.blogspot.com/2023/08/optimal-work-life-balance-with.html.

      In this article i emphasized Study's findings on work-life balance show that productivity and general well-being depend on striking a healthy balance between one's personal and professional lives. It enables people to properly manage their time, lessen stress, and keep their physical and mental health in tip-top shape. Finding the perfect balance can result in better relationships, a higher quality of life, and more job satisfaction. An individual's definition of work-life balance will differ from one person to the next depending on their values, priorities, and life circumstances. It entails establishing limits, using time efficiently, and appreciating the value of both work and personal life components.

  11. Hi Niru, Such a Nice Article!
    Work-life balance refers to the equilibrium an individual seeks between their professional responsibilities (work) and their personal life, including family, leisure, health, and other non-work activities. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for overall well-being and satisfaction.
    In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, achieving a good work-life balance can be challenging due to factors like long working hours, high job demands, constant connectivity through technology, and the pressure to excel in both professional and personal spheres. However, striking a balance is essential for several reasons: Physical and Mental Health, Quality Relationships, Personal Growth, Productivity and Performance, Employee Retention and Satisfaction.
    We should remember that work-life balance is a dynamic concept and can vary based on individual preferences, life stages, and job requirements. It's important to periodically reassess and adjust our approach to maintain a healthy balance that works for us.

    1. Hi Hasini,

      Thanks for your feedback and your views. I agree with you and it's so important to manage work and family life, also look after your health without going through any depressions and stress. Managing work using AI, Time management and get support from others, deligate works will help alot to balance it. However as I emphasiezed in my article, it's a cycle that we have to continue and find answers to balance with circumtances and it's not that we can fix at once.

  12. Work-Life Balance is crucial for overall well-being in today's fast-paced world. It ensures harmony between professional commitments and personal life, reducing stress and preventing burnout. Allocating time thoughtfully, prioritizing tasks, and learning to say no when necessary. Striving for quality over quantity in both work and personal moments. Achieving this equilibrium leads to a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life amidst the chaos of modern living.
    Nice article and a good read.

    1. Hi Ralph,

      Thanks for your feedback and views. Yes, I agree and if we did not balance our work and life then it'll be a depression situation. That's why it's more important for us to use available tools to minimize the damage example; anyone can do time management and arrange work. Also ask for help and open discussion at work and home, which will help more. Moreover, delicate work to subordinates if you are in a higher position and if the workload is more. This way you are supporting another person to build his carrier and reducing your workload and stress, where you can have peace of mind and balance your work and life.

  13. Excellent and detailed article Niru, Recognizing the negative effects of stress on work output, personal relationships, and health is a crucial first step toward alleviating the problem. One may strive toward a better and more balanced lifestyle by making stress management a priority and getting assistance when required.

    1. Hi Sampath,

      Appreciate your feedback on my article and sharing your views. Yes, we should use all the available tools to minimize issues for a smooth process in work and life. It is very challenging for different reasons as we all have different capacities to handle things and also different commitments in work and life. Therefore finding the right balance is individual talent also and using the right tool at the right time. I also emphasized in my article it's a cycle and it's not that we can be happy thinking it's done. We should balance work and life throughout our lives and it's a challenge but we have to be brave to choose priorities and minimize the damage.

  14. Hi Niru,
    This is yet another incredibly insightful piece on the nuances of work-life balance from you. I particularly appreciate the depth of research and the in-depth interviews that lend an authentic voice to the narrative. It's a stark reminder that while professional success is commendable, it shouldn't come at the expense of our health, relationships, and overall well-being.

    The five-step cycle outlined here is an invaluable roadmap for those seeking to navigate the often tumultuous waters of personal and professional commitments. It's not just about achieving balance but about constantly reassessing and realigning one's priorities, ensuring that we don't get caught in the trap of stagnation. Your emphasis on "reflexivity" resonates deeply, underscoring the importance of self-awareness in crafting a life that's not just successful but also fulfilling.

    I also found Nigel Marsh's perspective on work-life balance being too vital to be left to employers particularly compelling. In a world where boundaries between work and personal life are increasingly blurred, it's a poignant reminder for individuals to take charge of their own well-being.

    Thank you for shedding light on this crucial issue. It's pieces like this that not only raise awareness but also empower individuals to make lasting, positive changes in their lives

    1. Hi Amal,

      Thanks for your great feedback I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed the video of Nigel March and I like his videos too. Appreciate your thoughts on work-life balance and sharing them. I agree with your thoughts and the more important thing is that we have to continue this right balance to be in peace of mind and live in harmony. Too much work and too many issues in life will drive us to depression if we do not find the right balance between work and life. It's just that we have to be brave to use all the tools that we can use to stay away from breakdowns.

      Having said that, I also don't think everyone can find the perfect balance between work and life as we all have different commitments, different capacities, different approaches, and different capabilities. It depends on the individuals how to use their tools to balance their life and work to stay in harmony.

  15. Niru,
    Impressive and comprehensive piece, Acknowledging the adverse impacts of stress on work performance, interpersonal connections, and well-being is a vital initial stride in addressing the issue. By prioritizing stress management and seeking help when needed, individuals can work towards achieving a healthier and more harmonious lifestyle.

    1. Thank you Hasshanthi for your comment with your views. I agree with you it's more important to recognize your priorities and work around them and find tools to achieve them. And also Time management is one of the keys to achieving any personal and professional goals. I do believe that a lot and also be organized your self, Example: Take a notes in book or phone with your daily task list, and put reminders to remind you in case you forget. these are simple things that we can do which will help a lot for balancing work and life, most importantly saving time to rest yourself too.

  16. Work-life balance is a journey that requires continuous effort and adoption. By choosing a career path that resonate with your passions. It's just not about deciding time, it's about nurturing your overall well being.

    1. Thanks, Fawaaz for your views and you said it very well. It's not that you decide time but it's just that you identify priorities in work and life and then work towards achieving them with your available tools for a smooth process. Also, time is important and that's where time management comes to support you to organize and plan your time for your priorities in work and life. And the final goal is to stay in harmony and achieve your goals in your personal and professional life.

  17. Hi Niru
    I think this is a great blog post that provides some valuable insights into the importance of work-life balance and how to achieve it. I especially like the five-step process that you outline, which seems like a practical and realistic way to make changes in life. I also think it's important to note that work-life balance is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. What works for one person may not work for another. It's important to find what works best for you and to be willing to make changes as your life circumstances change.

    I particularly like your suggestion that both employers and employees can play a role in achieving work-life balance. Employers can create a supportive work environment that allows employees to have a flexible schedule and to take time off when they need it. Employees can also take steps to manage their time effectively and to set boundaries between their work and personal lives.
    You mention that it's important to be aware of your emotions when you're trying to achieve work-life balance. Can you say more about why this is important?

    1. Hi Janagan,

      Thank you for your comments and your view. I do agree with your thoughts and thanks for liking my article. Thanks for your question " It's important to be aware of your emotions when you're trying to achieve work-life balance. Can you say more about why this is important?

      My answer to your question is, Yes, it is important to pay attention to your emotions because for achieving and maintaining work-life balance, emotions are fundamental. They provide self-reflection and understanding, enabling improved judgment and the detection of stress, joy, frustration, or satisfaction patterns. Emotions can also be a sign of a balance between work and personal life that has to be adjusted in order to return to normal. Setting boundaries, assigning work based on values and goals, controlling stress, adjusting to changing conditions, and improving communication are all influenced by emotions.

      Furthermore, also support general well-being by facilitating deliberate decisions that promote good mental, emotional, and physical health. You may make decisions that are in line with your values, needs, and aspirations by being aware of your emotions, which will increase your satisfaction in both your professional and personal life. Generally speaking, emotions act as a compass that directs you toward a healthier and more balanced life. I hope my clarifications help you to clarify your doubts. Thanks

  18. Your article post masterfully emphasizes the urgent need for work-life balance in our hectic world. By combining insightful research, relatable anecdotes, and practical tips, you've effectively highlighted how this equilibrium can enhance well-being, productivity, and overall happiness, resonating deeply with readers seeking to navigate the demands of modern life successfully. Your holistic approach, addressing both individual efforts and employer support, underscores the value of your contribution in promoting healthier work-life dynamics.

    1. Hi Dilanka,

      Thanks for your comments and your views. Work-life balance is a subjective concept influenced by individual values, priorities, and life circumstances. It involves defining boundaries to prevent work from consuming personal time, optimizing time management, and appreciating both work and personal aspects. Engaging in work aligns with passion and skills while cherishing moments spent outside work contributes to holistic satisfaction. Cultivating an environment that respects and supports diverse definitions of a balanced life is crucial for individuals to navigate its complexities. however, we should also have skills to balance work and life using all the available tools.

  19. Absolutely, you've captured a fundamental aspect of work-life balance. The concept isn't a one-size-fits-all approach, but rather a deeply subjective perspective that hinges on various factors. Each person's values, priorities, and life circumstances shape their understanding of what constitutes a balanced life.

    Some individuals might prioritize their career ambitions, willingly dedicating more time to work, while others might value personal time, seeking to allocate substantial hours to their family, hobbies, or self-care. The distinction also becomes pronounced when considering life stages: a recent graduate might emphasize building their career, while a parent might prioritize spending time with their children.

    Creating work-life balance involves delineating boundaries to prevent work from seeping into personal time, and vice versa. This could mean establishing clear "switch off" times, utilizing technology mindfully, and refraining from responding to work-related matters during personal hours. Simultaneously, optimizing time management is essential – ensuring that work tasks are efficiently completed within designated hours while leaving ample room for personal pursuits.

    Moreover, the importance of appreciating both work and personal life facets cannot be overstated. Engaging in work that aligns with one's passion and skills can foster a sense of fulfillment, but it's equally vital to cherish moments spent outside of work. Engaging in hobbies, spending time with loved ones, and nurturing one's physical and mental well-being contribute to holistic satisfaction.

    Ultimately, understanding that work-life balance is a dynamic equilibrium that evolves over time helps individuals navigate its complexities. The acknowledgement that this balance is unique to each person underscores the significance of cultivating an environment that respects and supports diverse definitions of what it means to lead a balanced life.

    1. Hi Nipuni,

      Thanks for your detailed feedback and your views. I agree with your thoughts. It's all about understanding your priorities in professional and family life and then, finding tools to achieve them and balance them to minimize the negative outcome. You might not achieve 100% but you will also not fail. It's just that you will be in a state of mind of peace and happiness for how you managed to balance them with your maximum levels.
      It's also a cycle that we have to do and I emphasized that in the article too.

  20. Maintaining a healthy work life balance has become stressful for many employees, especially in this competitive world. Now that many companies have a work from home policy it has become more difficult to separate your work from your life.This leads to a more stressful day, every day!!Companies should encourage /help their employees to achieve a healthy balance. According to the happiness index,a simple way companies can help is to lead by example.when companies tell employees not to work at the weekends yet send work related emails, it puts more pressure on them.France has a law called the "Right to disconnect".This ensures there are limits on the amount of work undertaken outside of office hours.It is important to respect the privacy of employees ,so employers should avoid contacting them outside of office hours to allow them to switch off and recharge from work stress

  21. Hi Fawaaz,

    Thanks for your second feedback and I'm happy to see you are enjoying my article more than once :). I really appreciate your views and sharing them with me. I Understand your point of ' example. when companies tell employees not to work at the weekends yet send work-related emails, it puts more pressure on them".

    Employees physically leave the office, but they do not leave their work. They remain
    attached by a kind of electronic leash—like a dog. The texts, the messages, the emails—
    they colonize the life of the individual to the point where he or she eventually breaks
    down.” —Benoit Hamon of the French National Assembly (2016). Smith, D. (2019)

    This is where the boundary line comes that you can say NO in a professional way if it's overloaded and beyond your capacity and that's where you need open discussions with your Boss or the other party to find common ground to find solutions, like extra support, delegate work or use AI for some of the work etc. And also Yes, the Right to Disconnect" rule is applied by many countries and it's described as "a worker's right to be able to disengage from work and refrain from engaging in work-related electronic communications, such as emails or other messages, during non-work hours" by the European Union (EU). 

    Moreover, despite the fact that this right has not yet been incorporated into EU law, a resolution adopted in January 2021 called for the creation of an EU regulation. This comes after efforts to create legal precedents by a number of member states. The study investigates the effectiveness of the current, widespread trend of the employee right to disconnect. The spread of information and communication technologies (ICT) and the use of mobile devices has forced employees to work past the normal working hours, endangering their right to a balanced work-life and their ability to enjoy leisure time. This additional teleworking is frequently unpaid overtime, which just makes the situation worse. The international legal system hasn't done much to solve this issue, though. The negative effects of this culture of constant accessibility prompted France to introduce the employee right to disconnect, sparking a global movement to incorporate this digital right into legislative frameworks. This qualitative research has its main foundations in international conventions, agreements, and labor laws as well as in French, Italian, Spanish, and German case law. KDU Library (2019).

  22. Good job on exploring the crucial concept of work-life balance and its significance in today's fast-paced world. Your article effectively outlines the challenges individuals face in maintaining a balance between their professional and personal lives, and you provide insightful strategies for achieving harmony. The incorporation of research studies, expert insights, and practical tips enhances the credibility of your piece.

    The breakdown of the five-step cycle to achieve work-life balance provides a clear and actionable framework for readers to follow. The inclusion of real-life examples and interviews adds depth and relatability to the discussion, making it easier for your audience to connect with the content.

    Additionally, you've successfully addressed the emotional aspect of work-life balance by highlighting the importance of acknowledging one's feelings and priorities. The integration of Nigel Marsh's TEDxSydney talk and "Mental Health America's" work-life balance tips further enriches your article, providing readers with different perspectives and resources to explore.

    Your conclusion effectively sums up the key takeaways from your article, emphasizing that work-life balance is an ongoing effort that requires constant awareness and adaptation. Your writing style is engaging, and you've managed to create a comprehensive and informative piece on a subject that resonates with many individuals.

    Overall, your article is well-researched, well-structured, and thoughtfully written. It provides valuable insights and actionable steps for readers to implement in their pursuit of work-life harmony. Excellent work!


    1. Hi Bhuvana

      Thanks for your comment and for sharing your thoughts on work-life balance. As I emphasize in the article it's crucial today to stay healthy and avoid burnout. In the article, I gave lots of tips and I'm happy to see that you understood the purpose of the work-life balance and why it's important. It also cycles and not just for a period of time and we need to continue.

  23. HI NIRU,
    I agree that work-life balance is essential in today's hectic world. When we are constantly stressed and overworked, it can take a toll on our physical and mental health. It is important to find ways to create balance in our lives so that we can enjoy our work, our relationships, and our leisure time."
    "I think the phrase "achieving harmony in a hectic world" is a great way to describe the goal of work-life balance. When we are able to find balance in our lives, we feel more in control and less stressed. This can lead to a greater sense of well-being and happiness."
    "I am looking forward to reading this blog post to learn more about the importance of work-life balance and how to achieve it. I think this is a topic that is very relevant to our current times, and I am sure that the author will have some valuable insights to share."

    1. Hi Tharminy

      Thanks for your comments and your views. I really appreciate it. I'm happy to see that you understood why work-life balance is important in our lives. It is a necessary thing today for our day-to-day lives with, work, personal life, and studies. In the article, I mentioned lots of tips and I hope you will apply the available tools for yourself to make your life easier. As I emphasizes it is also acycle.

  24. I concur with you. In the fast-paced world of today, relationships, total job happiness, and physical and mental health all benefit. It provides useful advice and professional insights to help create balance between personal and professional responsibilities, thereby establishing a positive and effective work environment. Well done.

    1. Thanks Chirath for your comment with your views. I also emphasized this study highlights the importance of work-life balance for productivity and overall well-being. A healthy balance between personal and professional lives helps manage time, reduce stress, and maintain physical and mental health. This balance can lead to better relationships, a higher quality of life, and job satisfaction. Individuals' definitions of work-life balance vary, but it involves setting limits, using time efficiently, and appreciating the value of both work and personal life components. Also article emphasizes emotional awareness, prioritization, and change implementation as essential actions to align with personal perspectives. Furthermore, the strategies provided in my article are practical and feasible for individuals and organizations.

  25. Hi Menaka,

    Thanks for your lovely feedback and shared views. My article emphasizes emotional awareness, prioritization, and change implementation as essential actions for a balanced work-life. The challenges associated with an imbalanced work-life validate the relevance of this topic. The strategies provided in the article are feasible and practical for individuals and organizations. It is important in our busy work and life to find a happy medium to stay healthy and move positively.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Hi Niru, A well explained article regarding the work life balance. Work-life balance is the equilibrium achieved between the demands of one's career and personal life. It involves effectively managing time and energy to ensure that both professional responsibilities and personal well-being are given due attention. Striking a healthy work-life balance is essential for preventing burnout, reducing stress, and maintaining overall mental and physical health. It allows individuals to excel in their careers while also enjoying quality time with family, pursuing hobbies, and engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation. Achieving work-life balance fosters a sense of fulfillment and enhances overall life satisfaction

    1. Hi Madhawa,

      Thanks for your feedback with your views. Work-life balance is a subjective concept influenced by individual values and priorities. It involves setting boundaries, optimizing time management, and appreciating work and personal aspects. A healthy balance leads to productivity, well-being, better relationships, and job satisfaction. It involves setting limits, using time efficiently, and appreciating both aspects. Emotional awareness, prioritization, and change implementation are essential actions to align with personal perspectives. These strategies are practical and feasible for individuals and organizations.

  28. Thank you for sharing a vast and a practical explanation about the critical issue of work-life balance. In this fast-moving, competitive world, finding equilibrium between our professional and personal lives has become challenging. This explains valuable insights and practical tactics that can make a difference. Time efficiency, flexibility, communication, and some other practical strategies are essential for continuous growth as well as for good mental well-being.
    It’s good to see conversations like this happen, as they remind us of the importance of maintaining and improving our work lives as well as personal growth. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thank you so much for your thoughtful response. You're absolutely right, in today's fast-paced world, achieving a balance between work and personal life is indeed a significant challenge. Incorporating strategies like time efficiency, flexibility, and effective communication can certainly contribute to both professional growth and overall mental well-being. As I emphasize, the significance of nurturing our work lives while also prioritizing personal and professional development. Work-life balance is influenced by values and priorities, involving boundaries, time management, and appreciation of work and personal aspects. It promotes productivity, well-being, relationships, and job satisfaction. Your appreciation is motivating, and I'm here to assist with any further discussions or information you might need.

  29. The way you've written your description makes it a pleasure to read. Given the benefits of a fast-paced environment on relationships, general job happiness, and mental and physical health. In the end, it creates a positive and productive work atmosphere by providing expert insights and doable tactics for striking a balance between personal and professional life. Excellent Work.

    1. Hi Saminda,

      Thanks for your reply and views. I'm glad you hear that you enjoyed my article and understand the purpose of why work-life balance is important. If you like discussing the topic more then I'm hear to engage with the discussion.

  30. This comprehensive article highlights the critical importance of work-life balance in today's fast-paced world. It delves into various aspects, from its impact on physical and mental health to strategies for achieving harmony between personal and professional realms. The article's emphasis on a cycle of continual evaluation and adjustment, as well as the practical tips provided, makes it a valuable resource for both individuals and businesses. The incorporation of expert insights, research findings, and real-life examples strengthens the argument for prioritizing work-life balance. Moreover, the reference to Nigel Marsh's TEDx talk and Mental Health America's tips further enriches the discussion. Ultimately, achieving work-life balance appears to be a dynamic journey that requires conscious effort, effective communication, and a recognition of individual needs.

    1. Hi Dinith

      Thanks for your comment and your sharing views on work-life balance. Glad to hear that you found my article insightful. With your shared views i can clearly see that you understood the purpose of work-life balance very well and it is also a cycle and never-ending process.


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