6.) Achieving Work-Life Balance; "In Sri Lanka's Financial Climate"

Juggling Priorities;  "Work-Life Balance in the

 Face of Financial Challenges in Sri Lanka"

By Nirmala Rathnayake

Having explored the broader concepts of work-life balance on a global scale in my earlier blog posts, and today we explore a more focused examination. My attention now turns to uncovering the pragmatic strategies for achieving work-life balance in Sri Lanka, where financial hurdles add an extra layer of complexity that we all experiencing. In this discussion, I embark on a journey of research and exploration to illuminate effective approaches that resonate within the Sri Lankan context, considering the unique interplay between work, personal life, and economic constraints. And research support with sources via newspapers articles, Sri Lankan and International journals. 

Let's Explore; Is it feasible for employees and organizations in Sri Lanka to strike a balance between their work and lives?

In the modern world, finding a balance between job and personal life has become a challenge for many of us. In nations like us in Sri Lanka, where financial difficulties frequently exacerbate the difficulties of managing one's time and priorities, this battle is particularly obvious. In this blog article, we examine the complex between work-life balance and Sri Lanka's current economic environment. Work-life balance became a key research topic when workplace dynamics started to change as a result of economic illiquidity, which resulted in a struggle for survival in the enterprise. The impression of control over how much time is spent working against how much time is spent not working is known as work-life balance (Sen & Hooja, 2015).

This blog article exploring; In Sri Lanka's current Challenges and Way Forward work-life balance;

To successfully balance work and personal obligations, healthy and supportive work environments must be created and maintained. Employee loyalty and output will both rise as a result. Today's workers must juggle a number of responsibilities, including work, child rearing, home maintenance, volunteering, caring for a spouse, and caring for elderly parents, to name a few. The topic of work-life balance is significant because it affects people, their businesses, and their communities. Aging populations, record-low unemployment rates, and globalization have only worsened matters (Dhas & Karthikeyan, 2015).

        1.) Current Challenges for Work-Life Balance;

            1.1 ) Financial Struggles and Stress :

Financial crises lead to increased financial stress for individuals and families. Worries about job stability, paying bills, and meeting basic needs can contribute to higher stress levels, making it harder to detach from work concerns and enjoy personal time. Therefore people urgently prioritize work in order to support themselves and their families because of the high cost of living, inflation, and the scarcity of employment options. The necessity of earning a living might occasionally override the value of downtime and solitude. Due to the high cost of living people's stress levels are so high and difficult to find balance in work and life. In the Year 2022 Jan; 1US$ is equal to Sri Lanka Rupee 200.40, but in the year, 2023, March it was 336.80. Central Bank Sri Lanka. 

These financial burdens effecting negatively for people and organizations and it's very challenging to find balance in work and life. Organizations' income drops due to financial crises, including, Hospitality Industry, Agriculture, the Health sector, Travel and Tourism, Banking, and IT are some of the major impacted sectors and this directly and negatively impact people's life with lots of financial issues and it's very challenging to balance work and life. However, the tremendous amount of stress brought on by having to report to work is largely borne by the workforce. During this process, the employees cannot afford to ignore the various demands from their personal lives that are piling up and are equally vital. Nowadays, it is difficult to manage professional and personal obligations, increase productivity, and lead a calm life (Muthukumar et al., 2014).

        1.1.1 Goal Theory In Financial Crisis: 

Goals help employees to define priorities, consider what skills to apply, and serve to motivate.  (Latham and Locke, 1979). Human Resource Management  goal theory can be applied to address the challenges posed by a financial crisis in a country, and it can also help explain the effects of work-life balance during such crises. Let's break down how HRM goal theory can be relevant in both contexts:
  • HRM Goal Theory in a Financial Crisis:
HRM goal theory involves setting and aligning HRM goals with overall organizational objectives. In the context of a financial crisis in a country, organizations may face various challenges such as economic instability, reduced consumer spending, and uncertainty. Applying HRM goal theory can help organizations navigate these challenges effectively:

Cost Reduction: One of the primary goals during a financial crisis is often cost reduction. HRM can play a significant role in achieving this goal by optimizing workforce utilization. This may involve strategies like workforce downsizing, furloughs, or reducing non-essential expenses related to employee benefits.

Maintaining Core Competencies: While reducing costs is essential, organizations also need to retain their core competencies to remain competitive when the crisis subsides. HRM can help identify key talent and ensure they are retained, even if there are workforce reductions. This aligns with the HRM goal of preserving essential human capital.

Adaptation and Flexibility: HRM should be flexible to adapt to changing circumstances during a financial crisis. HR can assist in cross-training employees to perform multiple roles, enabling the organization to respond to fluctuations in demand or supply chain disruptions. This aligns with the goal of maintaining flexibility in HR practices.

Employee Morale and Engagement: HRM should focus on maintaining employee morale and engagement, as these factors can impact productivity and innovation during challenging times. HR can implement strategies like clear communication, recognition programs, and employee assistance programs to address employee concerns and maintain motivation.
  • Work-Life Balance and HRM Goal Theory:
Work-life balance is an essential aspect of HRM, and it can be explained through HRM goal theory as follows:

Alignment with Organizational Goals: HRM goal theory emphasizes aligning HR practices with overall organizational objectives. Work-life balance initiatives contribute to this alignment by promoting employee well-being and job satisfaction. Employees who have a better work-life balance are often more productive and engaged, which supports the organization's goals of increased productivity and employee retention.

Attracting and Retaining Talent: In a competitive job market, organizations that offer work-life balance initiatives are more likely to attract and retain top talent. This aligns with HRM goals related to talent acquisition and retention.

Enhancing Employee Performance: Work-life balance contributes to employee well-being, reducing burnout and stress. This, in turn, can lead to improved job performance, meeting HRM goals related to performance management.

Legal Compliance: HRM goal theory includes legal compliance as a goal. Implementing work-life balance policies and practices ensures compliance with labor laws and regulations related to employee working hours and conditions.

HRM goal theory can be applied during a financial crisis to help organizations navigate challenges by focusing on cost reduction, talent retention, flexibility, and employee well-being. Work-life balance initiatives are an integral part of HRM goal theory, as they align with organizational objectives, attract and retain talent, enhance performance, and ensure legal compliance.

        1.2) Reduced Quality of Life : 

An economic decline lowers the overall quality of life by restricting access to entertainment and leisure pursuits due to high inflation and costs not affordable to many citizens. The ability to unwind and enjoy personal time away from work is subsequently hampered, making work-life balance rare. . Economic difficulties find work more difficult, making it harder to strike a balance between one's professional and personal lives. 

                                Source: Department of Senses and Statistics (2023) 
The idea of work-life balance goes beyond simply allocating time for work and play to include preserving one's physical, psychological, and emotional well-being. Furthermore, as a result, people reduce time and money for entertainment and pleasures due to high living costs and financial challenges. This creates even more stressful situations and burnout is all too typical in a culture where long workdays are the norm.  Furthermore, as a result, people reduce time and money for entertainment and pleasures due to high living costs and financial challenges. This creates even more stressful situations and burnout is all too typical in a culture where long workdays are the norm.                                                        

Making time for family, personal interests, and self-care becomes a challenging problem. When financial difficulties are foremost, striking a balance between these responsibilities becomes an even more delicate act. People frequently feel pressured to put in excessive hours at work, which can strain relationships and cause them to overlook self-care. The fundamental substance of life's pleasures may be neglected, leading to a vicious cycle of stress and a lowered standard of living. 

 1.3) Brain Drain in the Industry:            

Staff turnover and migration significantly increased and impacted work-life balance by creating an environment of instability and uncertainty. Frequent departures lead to increased workloads for remaining employees, often resulting in longer hours and heightened stress. The constant need to train new team members diverts time and attention from personal activities. 

                                                         Source: The Sunday Times (2023)

This craze from immigration is going to have a hugely detrimental effect on Sri Lanka as it will be left with very few skilled workers to develop and contribute to the Sri Lankan economy. South Asia Monitor(2023).   All these effects for current employees and it'll be a huge challenge for organizations to the development of strong team cohesion and collaborative efforts, further affecting work-life equilibrium and stressful environments. The quality of services offered to the general public will be threatened by the growing outflow of professionals and trained workers to other nations, experts warn. According to statistics, there was a significant brain drain in the country last year, with 14,307 professionals leaving, compared to 2,957 in 2020 and 8,373 in 2021. Most of the professionals were between the ages of 30 and 39, according to the Bureau of Foreign Employment. 8,130 middle-level workers left the country in 2022 as well. While only 2,400 office workers will be gone by 2020, almost 12,000 have already left. Compared to 2021, when 40,000 skilled professionals left the country, 92,836 did so in 2022. The bulk of them were in the 25 to 44 age range. Sunday observer, Fazlulhaq, N. (2023)                         

                Source: South Asia Monitor(2023)

Moreover, to successfully balance work and personal obligations, healthy and supportive work environments must be created and maintained. Employee loyalty and output will both rise as a result. Today's workers are juggling a number of responsibilities, including work, child rearing, home maintenance, volunteering, caring for a spouse, and caring for elderly parents, to name a few. The topic of work-life balance is significant because it affects people, their businesses, and their communities. Aging populations, record-low unemployment rates, and globalization have only worsened matters (Dhas & Karthikeyan, 2015). The ideal integration of work and life involves no conflicts, according to Muthukumar et al. (2014). The objective of Hayman's 2005 study was to analyze the applicability of a tool created to gauge employees' work-life balance in an administrative work environment. 

As a result, work pressure will be passed to remain employees and it creates more stressful situations in organizations and directly effect family lives. The strain of adapting to new colleagues and responsibilities increases the risk of burnout, making it challenging to disconnect from work during personal time. Ultimately, high staff turnover disrupts the ability to maintain a consistent and harmonious balance between work and personal life. 

        2.) How to balance work and life with Current Challenges?  "Way Forward in Sri Lanka"

What will be the relevance of work vs. non-work in such a context? The traditional concept of “work-life balance” is widely defined as “achieving satisfying experiences in all life domains.” It is also described as being “about adjusting working patterns regardless of age, race or gender, (so) everyone can find a rhythm to help them combine work with their other responsibilities or aspirations.” Here, the concept is based on the notion that paid work and personal life should be seen less as competing priorities than as complementary elements of a full life.  DailtFT, Dharmasiri, A (2022)

The significance of work-life balance is, however, becoming more widely recognized in Sri Lanka. People and organizations alike are starting to understand how a harmonious balance may boost output, improve mental health, and raise employee engagement. Initiatives to improve mental health, flexible work schedules, and mindfulness exercises are all gaining ground.  The goal of work-life balance techniques is to lessen conflict between work and personal life and improve employees' performance in both paid and voluntary employment. They comprise purposeful adjustments to corporate culture or policy. A major paradigm shift that is still very much "in process" is the move from considering work-life balance solutions as a way to accommodate specific employees with caregiving responsibilities to appreciating their contribution to organizational performance and employee engagement. Lazar et al. (2010)

        2.1) Open discussions:

The difficulties of work-life balance and financial demands are essential in managing this environment. It's crucial that people ask for help from their families and workplaces, and that businesses put rules in place that enable a better balance between work and personal life.

        2.2) Adapt Hybrid working: 

Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, hybrid work models that include remote work and office presence have changed the traditional workplace across the globe. This allows for a more flexible work-life balance in every workplace, businesses that embrace hybrid work can profit in a variety of ways, taking advantage of remote work's potential to boost productivity and innovation. A shorter commuting time leads to greater focus and personal responsibility management, promoting work-life balance. This strategy encourages diversity, caters to various requirements, raises morale, and eventually improves job satisfaction and retention rates. 

In Sri Lanka, despite Technological limitations, the concept of hybrid working holds promise for companies aiming to improve employee work-life balance. While challenges exist, the potential benefits justify its pursuit. Even with restricted technology, introducing hybrid work for a specific employee group can yield positive results. This approach allows remote work on select days or tasks, acknowledging personal responsibilities and offering better management. While full adoption might be hindered by technology, a partial implementation showcases the organization's commitment to employee well-being. Reduced commuting, enhanced focus, and lowered stress can benefit those in hybrid roles. Moreover, this initiative can catalyze a cultural shift and pave the way for future technological advancements. As a foundation, hybrid working, despite limitations, can propel organizations toward a healthier and more harmonious work environment.

        2.3) Understanding: 

Businesses are feeling the heat as a result of competition to surpass one another or keep their commitments to clients in order to survive the current wave of globalization and employee and employer understanding is much more important to support each other. Employers should understand employees better, acknowledging personal struggles, neglect of personal life, non-work activities, and mood at work.

         2.4) Supportive Policies: 

Offering flexible work schedules, business leave policies, training, career development, condensed work weeks, and effective workload management contributes to work-life balance.

        2.5) Training Programs: 

Focus on expanding training, professional development, and workload management options. Educate employees about work-life balance's impact on personal and professional lives.

        2.6) Creative and Innovative with your own ideas and be an Entrepreneur:

The goal of the television series "Sri Lankan Community" is to celebrate our nation's remarkable entrepreneurs, to show off their richness of skill, and to demonstrate the sheer will and tenacity of our people. Most SMEs that have been contacted say that their problems are comparable. They experience difficulties with both market and financial access. To get through these challenges, they require direction and assistance. By telling their captivating tales, the community in this column "Your Community" tackles the need to raise awareness and foster connections with potential clients. Continuous capacity-building programs are run by WCIC and its numerous partners to educate SMEs on all facets of business growth. Your Community showcases successful female businesses. Daily Mirror, David, A (2023)

Example: Sri Lankan Enterpreneur - "Elixir Ceylon" 

"Elixir Ceylon is my newest venture which commenced in 2021 mentioned to Daily Mirror News Paper by Hadunhetti, N (2023) Elixir Ceylon manufactures and sells coconut-based outputs under the pillars of personal care, food, handicraft, and gift packages. For generations, Sri Lankans have preferred imported products against local substitutes perhaps due to the quality and variation, colourful presentation despite the higher price tag. Elixir Ceylon, pledges to drive a quantum shift in consumer attitude as it seeks to expand its reach in the local market prior to testing foreign markets. Elixir Ceylon products are created off the coconuts grown on Sri Lankan soil. 

She also mentioned the challenge of accessing funding for business entry was overwhelming, as many doubted one's ability to balance work, family, and performance. Despite the lack of capital, the individual chose to open a shop fearlessly, realizing that cash flow and funding are crucial for success. Research shows that 50% of start-ups close in the first three years due to a lack of financial knowledge. To achieve success, build an authentic personal brand, maintain a positive attitude, and capitalize on opportunities to enhance one's net worth. 

This is one of the very good examples of showing a Positive mind, being open, and creative, and having innovative ideas support to uplift life challenges and the ultimate goal is happy work and life.

All the above evidence shows that effective people management, including flexible schedules, improves work-life balance. Programs promoting balance positively affect various aspects like recruitment, turnover, commitment, satisfaction, productivity, and safety. Self-management is vital, where individuals take responsibility for actions and expectations to achieve a healthy work-life balance. 


Recent economic troubles in Sri Lanka have made it difficult for its citizens to maintain a healthy work-life balance. The delicate balance between work and family life has surely been impacted as a result of economic instability, which has led to job uncertainty, decreased income, and increased stress levels. It's important to recognize that the impact of these effects might vary depending on a person's situation, the industry, and the availability of support networks. The labor market has undergone a massive transformation as a result of the economic crisis, introducing novel work practices such as roster systems, flexible hours, and remote employment. Employees have been forced to adjust to new work settings as a result of these adjustments. To succeed in this shifting environment, new strategies are needed. Because work-life balance is dynamic, specific techniques that consider elements like changing life phases and parental duties are needed. As circumstances change over time, finding a balance between work and family becomes more crucial. Success will ultimately result from the pursuit of this equilibrium. In Sri Lanka, juggling work and personal obligations is still challenging due to cultural conventions and financial limitations. It is crucial to understand that both individuals and organizations must work together as people are seeking a balance between their responsibilities at home and at work. 

Furthermore, a more harmonic balance can be achieved by encouraging open communication, supporting adaptable work arrangements, and placing a high priority on mental health. Furthermore, It's important to stay attuned to the latest developments in Sri Lanka and their implications for work-life balance. As the nation navigates these complexities, the potential for an improved standard of living for its citizens lies in achieving a sustainable equilibrium between work and personal life.


1.) Aroosiya, M. (2022). A Study on Work life balance during the economic crisis in sri lanka. American Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation, 1(3), pp.17–23. 

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2.) Pathmanathan, S., & Abhayaratna, S. A. (2022). Managing endocrine disorders amidst the financial crisis in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Diabetes Endocrinology and Metabolism, 12(1), p.3. 

Accessed on 13 August 2023

3.) Weerasekara, T., & Sumanasiri, A. (2022). Factors influencing work life balance of employees working from home in the IT industry in sri lanka. International Journal of Research Publications, 108(1). 

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4.) Aroosiya, M. (2022). A Study on work life balance during the economic crisis in sri Lanka. American Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation, 1(3), pp.17–23. 

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5.) Trading Economics (2023). Sri Lanka Inflation rate [online] 

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15.) Wickramasinghe, K. (2022). Be open minded create a truly sri lankan identity nayomi handunnetti. DailyMirror. [online]

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  1. Agreed, Work-life balance involves maintaining a harmonious division of time and energy between one's professional and personal spheres, aiming to reduce stress and enhance overall well-being. Financial hurdles refer to challenges stemming from economic difficulties, such as job instability and inflation, which can lead to financial stress - emotional strain due to financial problems. Hybrid work, a blend of remote and on-site work, offers flexibility, and burnout denotes the state of physical and mental exhaustion due to prolonged stress, often related to work demands. (Muthukumar, M., Savitha, R., & Kannadas, P. - 2014) These concepts underline the complex interplay between work, personal life, and financial realities in Sri Lanka's context.

    1. Hi Gayani,

      Thanks for your feedback and views and I agree with you. As I emphasized in the article Work-life balance involves managing time and energy between work and personal life, minimizing stress, and promoting well-being. Financial challenges, such as job uncertainty and rising costs, can lead to financial stress. Hybrid work models combine remote and in-person work, allowing flexibility. Burnout, a condition caused by prolonged stress, can be mitigated by adjusting work arrangements and reducing the likelihood of burnout. This approach helps in balancing career and personal life. In Sri Lanka situation got worse after the financial crisis and it's more importantly organizations, communities, and government needed support from the employees and the people with their burning issues life financial struggles. It is a very challenging period in Sri Lanka to apply work-life balance, however, it is necessary to control burnout.

  2. The article delves into the challenges faced by individuals in Sri Lanka concerning work-life balance, particularly in the face of financial struggles and stress.

    Weerasekara & Sumanasiri (2022) states that the increased staff turnover and migration in Sri Lanka contribute to an environment of instability and uncertainty, impacting work-life balance. Frequent departures lead to increased workloads for remaining employees and divert time and attention from personal activities.

    1. Thanks for your comments and for sharing your views. I emphasized in the article, that Sri Lanka's economic challenges have disrupted the work-life balance, leading to job insecurity, reduced income, and increased stress. The labor market has shifted to innovative work arrangements like roster systems, flexible hours, and remote work, necessitating innovative strategies for success. However, Work-life balance is crucial in Sri Lanka, influenced by cultural norms and financial limitations. Balancing work and personal life requires tailored strategies, open communication, adaptable work arrangements, and prioritizing mental health. Staying updated on Sri Lanka's latest developments and achieving a sustainable equilibrium between work and personal life can improve the standard of living for citizens.

  3. well done!!
    This article highlights the impact of Sri Lanka's economic challenges on work-life balance, emphasizing the need for tailored strategies to address shifting life phases and family responsibilities.
    It acknowledges that the effects can vary based on individual circumstances, industries, and support systems.

    The transformation in the labor market, including roster systems, flexible hours, and remote work, reflects the workforce's adaptability to changing circumstances.

    According to Samaranayake (2020) Cultural norms and financial limitations also influence the challenge of combining work and personal life in Sri Lanka.

    The article calls for a collaborative effort between individuals and organizations, emphasizing open communication, adaptable work arrangements, and a focus on mental health. Staying attuned to the latest developments in Sri Lanka and their implications for work-life balance is crucial for achieving a sustainable equilibrium between work and personal life and improving societal well-being.

    1. Hi Nalin,

      Thank you for your feedback and views. My article explores the challenges and potential solutions for work-life balance in Sri Lanka, highlighting the financial constraints and the heightened stress experienced by citizens due to the fluctuating value of the Sri Lankan Rupee against the US Dollar. The article also emphasized strategies like hybrid work models and supportive organizational policies but need to be contextualized for Sri Lanka's unique challenges, such as technological constraints. The inclusion of entrepreneurial success stories like "Elixir Ceylon" offers hope and resilience and emphasizes the importance of context-specific research in policy formulation and societal understanding. It's the responsibility of organizations, communities, and government to support the people who need support to reduce issues. Also, at least find their happy medium, though 100% work-life balance is not possible with current challenges for many individuals but positive thinking and being creative and innovative can find their ways to overcome some of the challenges to be happy and balance work and life.

  4. Good article. This comprehensive exploration delves into achieving work-life balance within Sri Lanka's challenging economic landscape. By addressing financial struggles, reduced quality of life, and brain drain, the article offers strategic solutions such as open discussions, hybrid working, and supportive policies. It highlights the importance of understanding, training, and innovation, spotlighting a successful local entrepreneur as an example. The article underscores the need for collaborative efforts between individuals and organizations, emphasizing adaptable strategies and mental health support to achieve a harmonious work-life equilibrium. Samaranayake (2020)

    1. Hi Gayathri,

      Thank you for your feedback and your views on my article. I emphasized the challenges of work-life balance in Sri Lanka's economic landscape, focusing on financial struggles, improving quality of life, and countering brain drain. It proposes strategic solutions like open discussions, hybrid working models, and supportive policies to improve work-life balance. The article highlights the importance of understanding, training, and innovation for growth and adaptation. Moreover, collaboration between individuals and organizations is crucial, and adaptable strategies and mental health support are essential.

  5. In Sri Lanka's financial climate, achieving work-life balance requires innovative approaches. Flexible work arrangements, telecommuting, and compressed workweeks can help employees manage responsibilities while navigating economic challenges. Emphasizing efficient work rather than long hours fosters productivity. Employers can support mental well-being through wellness programs. Government policies promoting family-friendly workplaces can further contribute to a healthier work-life balance, enhancing both employee satisfaction and overall economic resilience.
    Nice article and a good read.

    1. Hi Ralph,

      Thanks for your views it is Indeed a very challenging period and its effects for many reasons since the easter attack, Covid, the Financial crisis, and all these things have affected almost all organizations and individuals. It's very challenging for work-life balance with many issues due to the high cost of living. However, in the article, I also provided some positive points like being an entrepreneur and starting innovative businesses, etc as there are lots of successful stories during these challenging times.

      I noticed this great article in the Sunday Times, by Danushka, K. (2022), and the article mentioned how young entrepreneurs find alternative ideas during hard times and still manage to stay in business and passionate. If you are interested in reading "Young Entrepreneurs Rising to Meet Challenges in Business" , pls follow this link: https://www.sundaytimes.lk/220717/magazine/young-entrepreneurs-rising-to-meet-challenges-in-business-488846.html

  6. You have given a profound exploration of the challenges and potential solutions for achieving work-life balance in Sri Lanka, particularly amidst prevailing financial constraints. Rooted in substantial research and fortified by evidence from credible sources such as the Central Bank of Sri Lanka and the South Asia Monitor (2023), this piece sheds light on the nuanced interplay between personal, professional, and economic spheres within the Sri Lankan context.

    The mention of the ever-fluctuating value of the Sri Lankan Rupee against the US Dollar underscores the pressing financial difficulties experienced by the citizens, leading to exacerbated stress and a heightened inclination to prioritize work over personal life (Central Bank Sri Lanka, 2023). It is indeed alarming to note the amplified brain drain and its cascading effects on the remaining workforce, leading to an environment rife with stress and overwork (Sunday Observer, Fazlulhaq, N., 2023).

    Your articulation of potential strategies, such as hybrid work models and supportive organizational policies, is particularly relevant in the present day. These adaptations, while globally recognized, need to be contextualized to Sri Lanka's unique challenges, such as technological constraints. The inclusion of entrepreneurial success stories, like "Elixir Ceylon", offers a glimmer of hope and showcases the resilience and adaptability of Sri Lankans amidst adversity (Daily Mirror, David, A., 2023).

    One of the major takeaways from this piece is the universality of work-life balance struggles, compounded by unique regional challenges. In the case of Sri Lanka, financial constraints and the exodus of professionals present substantial hurdles. Yet, with adaptive strategies and a collective will, there remains the potential for creating more harmonious personal and professional lives for its citizens. This piece stands as a testament to the importance of context-specific research and its pivotal role in policy formulation and societal understanding.

    1. Hi Amal,

      Thank you for your comments and sharing your views. Indeed, it is a very challenging work-life balance in Sri Lanka due to many reasons as I mentioned in the article. However, there are things that can be done to minimize the effect on employees and employers and also on society by working together and supporting each other.
      Examples like; Open discussions, Flexibility, and Remote work, are some of them. Though it's challenging to achieve a work-life balance 100% it is important to find a happy medium for a healthy life style.

  7. A comprehensive article delves into the real situation in Sri Lanka and highlights the practical obstacles to implementing a work-life balance culture amid the crucial economic crisis. Work-life balance becomes challenging in Sri Lanka due to the ongoing economic crisis. Economic difficulties often lead to job uncertainties, increased workloads, and reduced resources for organizations, which can translate to longer working hours and heightened stress for employees. The need to secure employment and financial stability may result in extended working days, leaving limited time for personal activities and family life. Moreover, with the economic uncertainties, employees might be hesitant to take time off or prioritise self-care, fearing potential repercussions for their job security. The overall strain on both professional and personal aspects of life creates a complex situation, making it harder to maintain a healthy work-life balance during such economic downturns.

    1. Hi Nuwan,

      Thanks a lot for your feedback and your views on my article. Sri Lanka's economic challenges have disrupted the balance between work and personal life, leading to job insecurity, reduced income, and increased stress. The labor market has evolved with innovative work arrangements like roster systems, flexible hours, and remote work. To succeed, tailored strategies must consider shifting life phases and family responsibilities. Balancing work and personal life is challenging due to cultural norms and financial limitations. Encouraging open communication, supporting adaptable work arrangements, and prioritizing mental health can help achieve a more harmonious balance.

  8. Hi Niru
    I really enjoyed reading your blog post on work-life balance in Sri Lanka. You did a great job of highlighting the challenges that Sri Lankans are facing in balancing their work and personal lives, as well as the strategies that they can use to cope.
    I especially appreciated the way you discussed the importance of open communication, flexible work arrangements, and mental health in achieving a healthy work-life balance. These are all essential components of a supportive work environment, and they can make a big difference in the lives of employees. I like to ask What do you think are the most important challenges that Sri Lankans face in achieving a healthy work-life balance?

    1. Hi Janagan,

      I'm happy the blog post was useful to you. Thanks for your question and to finding a healthy work-life balance in Sri Lanka is difficult due to a number of factors. Mainly due to Financial challenges, the high cost of living, Income being less than the expenses, Financial commitments not being achieved in time due to less income lack of business, insecurity of Jobs, high turnover, and other employees working extra hours for less money, lack of health professionals and lack of medicine are some of the main challenges in Sri Lanka which are disturbing work-life balance at the moment.

  9. It's great to read this blog post about work-life balance in Sri Lanka, which focuses on the particular interactions between job, personal life, and financial limitations. The author looks at how work-life balance and Sri Lanka's current economic climate, which has exacerbated stress and financial challenges, are complicatedly related. The author emphasizes the significance of developing productive and encouraging work environments to attain work-life balance because it has an impact on individuals, organizations, and communities.
    Financial difficulties and stress are obstacles to work-life balance in Sri Lanka because people prioritize work in order to sustain themselves and their families owing to high living expenses, inflation, and a lack of employment opportunities. elastration videos  are supper..

    1. Hi Nalaka,

      Thanks for your comments with your views. Indeed, my article emphasized work-life balance challenges in Sri Lanka, focusing on financial constraints and stress caused by fluctuating Sri Lankan Rupee values. Strategies like hybrid work models and supportive organizational policies are suggested but need context-specific research. Entrepreneurial success stories like "Elixir Ceylon" offer hope and resilience. Organizations, communities, and governments must support those needing support. Positive thinking and creativity can help overcome challenges and achieve a happy medium.

  10. The article examines work-life balance challenges in Sri Lanka, especially amidst financial pressures and stressors faced by individuals.

    1. Hi Hasshanthi,

      Thanks for your feedback. Indeed , finding a healthy work-life balance in Sri Lanka is challenging due to financial challenges, high cost of living, low income, financial commitments, job insecurity, high turnover, and lack of health professionals and medicine. These factors disrupt work-life balance and contribute to a lack of job security and overall well-being.

  11. Attaining work-life balance in Sri Lanka's financial landscape can be challenging due to competitive industries and cultural factors. However, organizations can implement flexible work arrangements, promote clear boundaries, and provide employee assistance programs to support mental health. Government policies and awareness campaigns can also play a role in encouraging a healthier balance between work and personal life, ultimately contributing to improved overall well-being.
    Nice article and a good read.

    1. Hi Ralph,

      Thanks for your kind feedback and for sharing your thoughts. I agree, that due to long hours, exceptional commitment, and a competitive financial environment, achieving work-life balance in Sri Lanka offers particular difficulties and I emphasized the same in my article. Cultural elements that value diligence and hard work may be part of the problem. Organizations can adopt flexible work schedules, define communication channels, and offer employee help programs to solve these issues. Work-life balance can also be encouraged through governmental regulations, public relations campaigns, and educational programs. By implementing these tactics, firms and employees can both gain from a favorable change in the financial environment and a healthier, more sustainable workplace culture which will support well-being.

  12. HI NIRU,
    The economic crisis has had a significant impact on work-life balance in Sri Lanka. Job insecurity, reduced income, and heightened stress levels have all made it harder for people to balance their work and personal lives.
    I think that your point about the importance of collaboration between individuals and organizations is particularly important. Both individuals and organizations need to play a role in creating a culture that supports work-life balance. Individuals need to be willing to set boundaries and take care of their own well-being, and organizations need to provide flexible work arrangements and other resources that support employees' efforts to balance their work and personal lives.

    1. Hi Tharminy

      You are absolutely correct and it is still challenging today with the high cost of living and many struggling for life and work. It is really challenging for work-life balance but there are things that we all can do as employees, employers, community, or government side. There are things out of our control like price hikes and we have to find alternatives but it's challenging too. However getting help, having open discussions, and being innovative, creative, and open-minded will help more to come out from some of the challenges. I can see that you very well understand the purpose of my article and thank you for your engagement.

  13. This article provides a deep and insightful exploration of the challenges surrounding work-life balance in the context of financial struggles in Sri Lanka. Your analysis of the interplay between economic constraints, personal obligations, and work demands sheds light on the complexities individuals and organizations face in striving for equilibrium.

    Your focus on the impact of financial stress on work-life balance is particularly poignant. The examples you provide, such as the high cost of living, brain drain, and reduced quality of life, highlight the real-world consequences that individuals and businesses grapple with. Your research-driven approach, backed by sources from Sri Lankan and international journals, adds credibility to your findings.

    Furthermore, your examination of how financial challenges exacerbate stress and affect well-being underscores the importance of fostering supportive work environments. The way you connect the dots between financial struggles, high stress levels, reduced quality of life, and staff turnover provides a comprehensive perspective on the multifaceted challenges faced by individuals and organizations alike.

    Your dedication to uncovering these crucial issues and presenting them with such clarity and depth is commendable. Your article not only raises awareness but also offers valuable insights for both leaders and employees seeking to navigate the complexities of achieving work-life balance in the face of financial hurdles. Keep up the great work in shedding light on these vital topics.

    1. Hi Prasadini,

      Thank you for your great comment and highly appreciate it. I emphasized the difficulties and challenges that Sri Lankans are facing at the moment which is very much disturbing for work-life balance. Mainly Financial struggles and the high cost of living burnout many people and I highlighted the major Brain drain in the health sector, banking, IT, etc. Overall it is really challenging but there are things that the community can do to help people and employers support employees, for example; flexible working hours and remote work. Even small help might give a big relief to some individuals during these difficult times.

  14. The article highlights well the challenges of work-life balance in Sri Lanka. It discusses the impact of the economic crisis on job security, income and stress levels. It also examines the innovative work schemes adopted in response to the crisis.
    However, I believe the government can also play a role in improving work-life balance by supporting families financially, investing in childcare and promoting flexible working arrangements.
    And the media can also play a role by highlighting the importance of work-life balance and challenging traditional stereotypes about gender roles.

    1. Hi Niro,

      Thanks for your feedback and sharing your thoughts. You are absolutely right and the government and Media have a huge responsibility to support the community as much as they can. However, during the financial crisis government had lots of changes and not steady budgets and funds even to provide basic needs, unfortunately. Even today many people struggling and the government supports very little due to tight funds. However, it is the responsibility of the government to look after people. However, after the IMF loans, we got basic needs in the country but it's at a higher cost than the income. That's why the migration rate is increasing as people can't afford living costs.

      Having said that, people also should think differently and be innovative and proactive rather than depending on the government or anyone else. There are lots of successful stories of these small entrepreneurs who became successful with new business ideas during hard times and managed to stay well-being with all the challenges.
      ReshearchGate Published the article " Crisis Leadership Towards Entrepreneurial Success: A Sri Lankan Perspective". You can view it at; https://routledgeopenresearch.org/articles/2-21.

      Furthermore, open discussions, remote working, flexible hours for work, getting help, sharing ideas, being innovative and open-minded for new ideas, coming out from traditional thinking, and thinking out of the box, will also help more to find a way to beat some of the challenges and stay away from the burnout and find some happy medium in work and personal life.

  15. Hi Niru
    Appreciate your commendable effort. This blog post focuses on work-life balance strategies in Sri Lanka, addressing financial hurdles and the unique interplay between work, personal life, and economic constraints. It explores effective approaches using sources such as newspapers, Sri Lankan and international journals.

    1. Hi Rukshani,

      I appreciate your comment and I'm happy to hear that you understood my article's purpose very well and thank you. Pls, let me know if you want to discuss this topic any further and I'm interested in sharing our views to explore even more.

  16. Hi Niru,
    It's important to recognize that addressing the challenges requires a combination of individual strategies and systemic changes within organizations. If you're seeking advice on improving your work-life balance, consider setting clear boundaries, practicing time management, communicating with your employer about your needs, and seeking support from colleagues and loved ones.

    1. Hi Hasini,

      You are absolutely correct and a combination of strategies works very well to find work-life balance even during challenging times. As you agreed, Time Management, setting boundaries, and even using AI as a tool is helping a lot to achieve some of the personal and professional goals which help to give work-life balance as a result.

      I also posted the following articles about Time Management and Boundary lines. Since you are interested in these topics I'm sharing the links here to explore more and I'm here to have an open discussion if you like exploring more.

      Boundary lines: https://nirmalaesoftcolombo.blogspot.com/2023/08/4-work-life-boundaries-for-work-life.html

      Time Management: https://nirmalaesoftcolombo.blogspot.com/2023/08/3-mastering-work-life-balance-through.html

  17. How can open communication, adaptable work arrangements, and prioritizing mental health be encouraged in the workplace?

    1. Hi Deesh,

      Thanks for your interesting question and engaging with my article.
      Open communication, adaptable work arrangements, and prioritizing mental health encouragement depend on the working culture. However, a comprehensive strategy is needed to promote open communication, flexible work arrangements, and the importance of mental health in the workplace. Fostering an atmosphere where staff members feel comfortable discussing their issues, suggestions, and criticism with management and colleagues is an important part of creating an open communication culture.

      Furthermore, flexible work arrangements that allow for remote work or flexible hours take into account the various needs of the workforce and encourage improved work-life balance. In order to reduce stress and improve general well-being, putting mental health first entails offering resources like counseling services, wellness initiatives, and promotion of breaks. Combining these approaches enables businesses to develop a welcoming and inclusive environment that respects workers' overall needs and fosters their productivity and happiness.

      Hope I have clarified your question, pls let me know if you like exploring this topic more with the engagement of the discussion.

  18. I found your blog post on achieving work-life balance in Sri Lanka's financial climate to be incredibly insightful. The way you've delved into the unique challenges faced by Sri Lankans, such as financial struggles and stress, adds a layer of depth to the global conversation on work-life balance. Your discussion on the impact of economic conditions, like inflation and job scarcity, on people's ability to balance work and life is particularly eye-opening. It's alarming to see how the financial climate can exacerbate already challenging work-life balance issues. I also appreciate the solutions you've offered, such as open discussions and adapting hybrid working models. These seem like practical steps that can be implemented even in a challenging environment.
    Do you think the government has a role to play in helping people achieve a better work-life balance, especially considering the financial challenges in Sri Lanka?

    1. Hi Ashinka,

      Thanks for your views and engagement in the conversation. You are absolutely correct in your views and it's a really challenging period for work-life balance in Sri Lanka due to many financial crises, loss of jobs, high migration rate, brain drain, etc.

      Thanks for your interesting question; Do you think the government has a role to play in helping people achieve a better work-life balance, especially considering the financial challenges in Sri Lanka?

      My simple answer is, It is the government's responsibility to look after citizens and that's what good governors do, but the question is do we have good governors in Sri Lanka? if we had any good governors I don't think any of us will face this current situation today. Unfortunately, people really weren't looked after by the government, and during the crisis government also didn't have the budget to look after people. That's why the IMF loan came to support Sri Lanka overall including citizens.

      It is the government's responsibility and we can see at least the situation is better now compared to 2022, at least we have basic needs in the country though the cost of living is high. Having said that people also expect government support always while you can work and earn money. The best example is "Samurdi funds". Lots of people are taking this and they don't contribute anything to this economy though they are still capable of working. I noticed this article in (Sunday Observer. 2023) Nearly 33% of the families receiving Samurdhi benefits are not entitled - COPA". Can you believe how much of the funds paid for these people all these years without any audits? Some people expect everything free from the government and this best example. If you like to read the facts here is the article link; https://www.sundayobserver.lk/2023/04/29/news/nearly-33-families-receiving-samurdhi-benefits-are-not-entitled-copa.

      In my view, the government should support citizens and it's true that citizens have equal responsibility to contribute to the country's economy and pay tax without neglecting it. Today only a few people are paying taxes but most of the successful and rich business owners avoid paying it. So finding a work-life balance with government support will not work in real-life stories and we as individuals have to find ways to find the right balance and it is also a skill. So it's the government's and citizens' responsibility to look after each other and it's true but the real question is whether it is happening today in Sri Lanka or not?? Like to engage with your views on this topic and pls feel free to further discussion.

  19. Hi Sachini,

    Thanks for your comment and feedback. Yes, Indeed it was very challenging and it is still even today with the high cost of living, medical shortages, expired medicines, lack of health care workers, and mainly doctors, where we need to spend more time in hospitals for appointments due to fewer doctors available in hospitals compared to before the crisis. However still people have to adjust, be flexible to avoid burnout with difficulties, and find new ways to avoid some of the challenges. Ex; During petrol shortages, we reduce traveling and also we manage online shopping. some people share one vehicle with family and friends to save fuel. There are things that we have to adjust when we know it's out of our control and try to avoid stress and burnout though it is very challenging. Furthermore, I also suggested Open discussions, remote working, flexible work hours, and innovation can help overcome challenges and find happiness in work and personal life.


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